Institute for Information Science and Language Technology, Institute for German Language and Literature, Institute for Translation and Specialised Communication 

Thomas Mandl




Scientific contact
Prof. Ulrike Bohle-Jurok, Thomas Mandl

EU-Funding line

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade

Projektname: „Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network“ (LiPLANET)

Keywords: Energie, Mobilität, Partner

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AI Tools for Academic Writing

Pedagogic Approaches for Teachers and Students

The project AI Write aims to revolutionise the landscape of academic writing in English (as L1 and L2) through the development of innovative teaching approaches and supporting materials that leverage AI tools. With rapid advancements in AI technology for generating texts, the project recognizes the transformative potential of these tools in reshaping the cultural practices of writing. The project aims to promote the implementation of best practices for effectively using AI tools to support academic writing.

The project entails various activities to advance the understanding of AI tools in writing pedagogy. These include evaluating pedagogical approaches to academic writing in the age of AI, developing and evaluating open educational resources (OERs) on the use of AI tools for writing pedagogy, conducting workshops on AI tools and competencies, and culminating with a final conference on AI and writing pedagogy.

AI Write will deliver pedagogical approaches for integrating AI writing tools, resulting in effective use of technology in academic writing instruction. The project team will develop OER materials, including short educational videos, that demonstrate current best practices for using AI tools in writing pedagogy. OER materials will be customizable for diverse educational contexts with the aim to have a positive impact on writing pedagogy in the age of AI.

The University of Hildesheim is coordinating the project, which also involves the universities of Antwerp (, Limerick (, Innsbruck, ( and Mälardalens in Västerås, Sweden (

First publications at the conferences Anéla and EuroCall present some results of AI Write.


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