Scientific contact
Stichting Merk Fryslân, Leeuwarden (NL)
EU-Funding line
Interreg VI a Deutschland-Nederland
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade
Projektname: „Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network“ (LiPLANET)
Keywords: Energie, Mobilität, Partner
Development of the Wadden Sea Region as a Model for Sustainability and Nature Experience
The “WattenVision” project aims to create a cross-border model region for sustainable development and experiencing nature in Europe. To this end, a cross-border project partnership of ten institutions has been formed, which aims to achieve a new quality of sustainable development in the Ems-Dollart region with innovative measures. The target group of the model region are companies, tourists and citizens. The Wadden Sea region is an important regional factor for nature conservation and tourism, especially with the UNESCO World Heritage Site, and also has effects on other social and economic sectors. The project aims to contribute to developing the cross-border Wadden Sea region into one of the most sustainable habitats and travel destinations in Europe. The focal work package of the project involves the development of evaluation and monitoring methods for measuring and visualizing sustainability in its ecological, economic and social dimensions. This is supplemented by the identification and dissemination of proven practices of sustainable development and addressing companies. In three further work packages, special topics of sustainable and nature-oriented development will be established and implemented across borders. The first topic is the contribution of CO2 compensation models for tourism-related CO2 emissions in the Wadden Sea region with the implementation of pilot projects.
The second theme is wilderness and nature experience. This involves the exemplary development and implementation of new forms of experience in nature and wilderness areas in the Wadden Sea Region. The third theme is the promotion of biodiversity in the Wadden Sea Region for sustainable and nature-based development. Here, innovative biodiversity areas along the cross-border International Dollart Route are being developed and permanently realized according to a uniform concept.

©Marleen Annema/ Waddenagenda ©Project photo: Wasabi Film/NAKUWA
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