Hochschule Osnabrück – University of Applied Sciences
GesundheitsCampus Osnabrück
eHealth4all@EU – Digital Competencies for Europe’s Health (GesundheitsCampus Osnabrück)
Scientific contact
Prof. Dr. Ursula Hübner, Dr. Daniel Kalthoff
EU-Funding Line
ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade
Projektname: „Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network“ (LiPLANET)
Keywords: Energie, Mobilität, Partner
eHealth4all@EU – Digital competencies for Europe’s health
European partner universities develop learning opportunities for interprofessional eHealth competencies
Future of digital healthcare in Europe
eHealth – the use of digital technologies in the treatment and care of patients – plays a central role for Europe and its member states. eHealth technologies offer significant opportunities for the prevention, treatment and management of diseases, especially in ageing societies. At the same time, it could help contain rising costs for the expanding use of health services.
Digital skills and cooperation urgently needed
Challenges of healthcare’s digital transformation are no longer primarily on the technological side: The successful use of eHealth applications depends to a large extent on whether they are understood, trusted and supported by the many millions of professionals working in the European healthcare and social systems. In addition to digital skills, this requires improved interdisciplinary and interprofessional cooperation – because shared digital systems form important bridges between the various groups of health professionals involved in patient care.

eHealt4all@EU – an interprofessional European educational offer
The Interprofessional European eHealth Programme in Higher Education (eHealth4all@EU) project will address the high demand for health professionals to be competent and confident in eHealth. This collaborative, multidisciplinary, pan-European project aims to develop, implement and evaluate an interprofessional eHealth training programme for graduate students – the next generation of professionals – in higher education. The consortium consists of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (coordinator) with the University of Osnabrück under the umbrella of the joint GesundheitsCampusOsnabrück as well as the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio and the Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
Objectives of the project are (among other things) to
- identify relevant digital and interprofessional skillsets for health professionals,
- develop a corresponding curriculum with contributions from the various European countries, and
- create learning materials for e-learning courses and a European summer school.
Project information
Das Projekt mit einer Laufzeit von drei Jahren (2019-2022) wird aus EU-Mitteln des The project, which will run for three years (2019-2022), is funded with around EUR 350,000 from EU funds through the ERASMUS+ program for Strategic Partnerships.
Dr. Daniel Kalthoff
April 25th, 2022
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