Scientific contact
Nord Universitet
EU-Funding line
Horizon Europe
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade
Projektname: „Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network“ (LiPLANET)
Keywords: Energie, Mobilität, Partner
How can social cohesion be promoted in arts education?
How can social cohesion be promoted in arts education? What should a decolonial research design look like? As part of the Horizon Europe project Dialoguing@rts (2024-2027), we work with our international partners to advance cultural literacy for social inclusion through dialogic arts education. The UNESCO Chair is leading a work package that develops innovative policy recommendations for the EU to sustainably strengthen social cohesion and inclusion in educational contexts.
The D@rts project seeks to empower actors of all ages and social positions, particularly in the school system and community arts initiatives, to be artistically active, dialogically related, and culturally literate. The project focuses on understanding how performing arts activities relate to cultural literacy. It builds dialogues, develops assessment tools and uses the results in recommendations for cultural and educational policies. The project’s outputs include documentary, survey, and participatory research findings, performative DIALOGART actions for cultural literacy, and policy and practice recommendations to increase social cocohesion through cultural literacy actions inspired by the performing arts.
Our objectives in d@rts:
- To develop an analytical framework that engages other work packages with decolonial perspectives.
- To define key terms and concepts that inform other work packages awareness of decoloniality.
- To post questions that may disrupt universal assumptions regarding arts curriculum, cultural policies, pedagogies, social inclusion and cohesion.
- To promote decolonial reflection.
All consortium partners and countries taking part in the project:
- Norwegen (Nord Universität)
- Belgien (AEC)
- Deutschland (Universität zu Köln, Universität Hildesheim, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
- Italien (Universität Verona und Puntozero)
- Finnland (Universität Jyväskylä)
- Serbien (Kulturanova)
- Uganda (Makerere-Universität)
- Neuseeland (University of Auckland)
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