Institute for Cultural Policy

Prof. Dr. Julius Heinickl




Scientific contact
Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra 

EU-Funding line
Horizon Europe

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade

Projektname: „Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network“ (LiPLANET)

Keywords: Energie, Mobilität, Partner

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IN SITU Place-based innovation of creative and cultural industries of non-urban areas

Exploring the innovative power of the culture in non-urban areas

The UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy at the University of Hildesheim is participating in the Europe-wide research project IN SITU, which aims to identify and understand the needs and potential of cultural work in non-urban areas and the creative industries. The IN SITU project is funded by the EU in the Horizon Europe programme. As one of thirteen partners in the IN SITU project, Julius Heinicke and his team are researching innovative strategies and systems to support the creative and cultural industries.

Numerous studies and funding programmes illustrate the growing visibility of culture in rural areas in recent years. Nevertheless, there is a lack of insights into cultural policy strategies and an overview of the diversity of cultural practice, particularly in an international comparison. Culture in rural areas can take on any form and exists in a wide variety of genres, themes and formats. What can be found in metropolitan areas can also be found in rural areas – but not the same things exist everywhere and not in the same density. In addition, the cultural infrastructures of rural areas depend heavily on individual actors and historical, sometimes location-specific, developments.

The IN SITU research project specifically questions the connection between different sectors and researches different approaches to cultural policy with the aim of finding out what form cultural policy can take and what impact it can have as a result. IN SITU hopes to draw conclusions about innovative strategies and functioning support strategies for the creative and cultural industries in rural areas. With this aim in mind, partners from the cultural and creative industries in six different rural and non-urban regions will be supported over the course of the four-year project, thereby linking practice and research through local labs. The labs will take place in the research areas of Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Latvia and Croatia and will use participatory processes to identify the needs and potential of the cultural and creative industries.

In addition to the University of Hildesheim, the research project is being supported by several other European partner.

©Helena Walther, Melina Griesel


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