EU Research Support Niedersachsen
EU-ReasoN-Network Meeting in Brussels
During the 14th conference of the North German EU university offices and EU advisors in Brussels on September 5th and 6th, 2023, the EU advisors from Lower Saxony also had the opportunity to exchange ideas.
What’s your EU-ReasoN?
What drives scientists and EU officers in Lower Saxony to engage in European cooperation in research?
eHealth4all@EU – Digital competencies for Europe’s health
EHealth - the use of digital technologies in the treatment and care of patients - plays a central role for Eu...
Opening Industry for Green Pharmaceuticals
The biodegradability of drugs was previously considered an environmental issue. Now Leuphana, together with le...
Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network
The development of cost-effective, reliable, and high-performance battery cells will be essential to strategic...
The higher education institutions in Lower Saxony have successfully acquired over €580 Mio in EU funding across 1815 projects since the regional EU offices were established in 1992.
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