In Europe, cooperation in research, education and knowledge transfer is supported by a variety of funding opportunities. Below you find programmes mostly relevant for higher education institutions and covered by the expertise of the EU-ReasoN network.
Seed funding
Networking and cooperation building in preparation for participation in European tenders and the presentation of Lower Saxony’s research priorities at the European level.
Seed funding for the preparation of coordinated collaborative projects in the EU’s Horizon Europe programme by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Exploiting the potential of application-oriented research at FH/HAW by promoting participation in the European Research Area.
MWK-Stay Inspired
Supporting excellent ERC candidates in their preparation for resubmission by the Ministry of Science and Culture in Lower Saxony (MWK).
Did you know…
…that Horizon Europe has a budget of €95.5 billion?