
Browse through our collection of selected research projects and discover the diversity of European cooperation in Lower Saxony!

AI Tools for Academic Writing

The AI Write project is investigating the didactically meaningful use of AI tools for academic writing in English. The aim is to develop best practices for the effective use of AI tools to support academic writing and promote it.

Soil-related education for the future – understanding, protecting, acting

Soils are an important carbon sink and therefore highly relevant for climate development, irreplaceable for the preservation of biodiversity and the basis of supply for the growing world population. The LOESS project aims to raise awareness of the importance of soil and its functions, to sensitize people to the threats to soil health and to identify opportunities and potential for maintaining and regenerating soil health.

Nils Goseberg receives ERC Consolidator Grant for research on coastal protection during extreme events

Floods like the one in the river Ahr valley, Germany, and storm surges during extreme weather events are increasing due to climate change. The risk of residential houses being destroyed under the pressure of the water is ever-present. Professor Nils Goseberg from TU Braunschweig wants to investigate the complex processes of building collapse during extreme flow events. The scientist has now been awarded the prestigious Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).