Institute of project-oriented teaching (Ipro-L)
Scientific contact
Dr. Manfred Hoogestraat
EU-Funding line
ESF+; Förderprogramm „Soziale Innovation – Daseinsvorsorge“
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade
Projektname: „Li-Ion Pilot Lines Network“ (LiPLANET)
Keywords: Energie, Mobilität, Partner
Turning volunteering upside down
Voluntary work is often described as the backbone of our society. However, for today’s youth, it can be challenging and not very appealing to find their place within existing structures of organisations and to work on matters that are close to their personal interests or believes. This is where MIINTER comes into play.
In order to motivate and engage the students more effectively, the team has developed a Digital Social Activation Game (DSAG). Within the game, the students work together in teams, face different tasks and challenges designed to spark joy, stimulate their ambitions and encourage critical thinking. At the same time, they also develop their ideas and individual projects.
At the end of the game, each group has developed individual projects. The teams are then going to be connected to local supporters, such as associations, sports federations, businesses, political organisations and cultural organisations, to turn their ideas into reality
By working on the realisation of their ideas and by receiving encouragement through various channels (e.g. social media), the students experience a special form of appreciation that aims to motivate them long term, to continue to commit themselves to helping the community.
The project runs until autumn auf 2026 and will initially be implemented exclusively in the Weser-Ems-region.
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